the worrying trend
It is severely obvious that our class has a high casualty rate. This trend was discovered after Fun-o-rama. These last few weeks before terms is quite crucial, thus lessons should not be missed (even PE lessons). In light of this, here is what i recommend:
1. Do not sleep after 12mn (this would also encourage self-discipline and greater work efficiency during ur waking hours)
2. Drink lots and lots of water (do not worry about overdrinking, it takes abt 23 gallons of water drank non-stop to cause brain damage)
3. Exercise (thus the need for PE since u wont exercise at such a rate on ur own anyway)
4. Eat at least one meal of porridge a day (this is to guard against stomach problems as the rice water of porridge does help the stomach)
5. Do not worry unduly (even if u feel there is no way to catch up in studies, remember that there will be things that u can still do in education on ur own, only after knowing what u do know can u find out and learn what u dont)
6. Eat fruits everyday ( u know that saying about the apple? you better believe it)
7. Eat ur vegetables ( fibre will help u remove waste easily when u really need to)
8. Make fun of Shadrach ( he is the CF prez)
9. Bathe after PE ( seriously JUST DO IT)
10. Mug everyday ( at least u have a sense that u are doing sumthing to help urself, relieves stress)
Hopefully seoners will treat this seriously. The syllabus tested in terms is short and very recent, it would not be that hard to pass. All the best guys.